Our services.
Red Kites.
A majestic scavenger, the red kite searches for food in almost any environment, then returns to nest in broadleaved woodland. Look out for them wheeling high in the air, or nesting up in the canopy. I will take you to some locations that these graceful birds frequent, and we will spend time going through the best camera settings, to try and ensure you capture some wonderful images.
6 hours 1 to 1 tuition £160
6 hours 2 to 1 (bring a friend) £200
Get to know your camera.
Understanding the basic principles of photograph is exceptionally important. Without this basic knowledge, you may struggle to get the images you would like.
A one to one tuition session will help you understand how your camera and controls work, getting you off the auto setting, and opening up a world of creativity. We will cover aperture, shutter speed, iso, composition, depth of field and your camera controls. We will then put this in to practice, to help you attain some great images and the knowledge of how you captured them.
6 hours 1 to 1 £160
Brown Hare
Brown Hare’s are the fastest British mamas, and can be difficult to photograph. Their ability to see and hear you coming and the speed at which they can disappear is incredible. Because of how shy these animal are, and how tuned in to the environment, we only take out very small groups. This will ensusre that you have the best possible chance of capturing some great images of the Hare’s.
6 hours 1 to 1 tuition £160
6 hours 2 to 1 (bring a friend) £200
Bespoke Photography Days
As Photographers, we all see images that we wish we were able to capture. We offer a bespoke service to help you achieve this. Whether it is photographing Red Deer, Starling Murmurations or shooting with a model in a studio. Our aim is to steer you in the right direction, giving you the guidance and encouragement needed, for you to turn your ideas into stunning images.
This is a bespoke service that will be tailored to your requirements. £ POA

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.
Ansel Adams